Our entertainers and awards hosts offer an array of communication styles depending on your needs.
Justin Moorhouse
Comedian, Actor, Writer & Radio Presenter
Stephen Mulhern
Magician and TV Presenter
Neil Mullarkey
Comedian, Actor and Improviser
Cathy Newman
Journalist and Broadcaster
Ross Noble
Award-winning Comedian
Dara O'Briain
Irish Comedian, Presenter and Host
Mica Paris
Legendary Soul Diva, Author and Actress
Sara Pascoe
Comedian & Actress
Miha Pogacnik
Leadership Expert, Violinist & Visionary
Lucy Porter
Comedian and Writer
Romesh Ranganathan
Stand-Up Comedian
Adam Rowe
John Sergeant
Broadcaster, Political Correspondent and Author
Paul Sinha
Award Winning Stand-up Comedian
Heather Small
Soul Singer