When you need a fresh, insightful view of the world our global speakers deliver.
Bronwen Maddox
Director & CEO of Chatham House
Christian Majgaard
Marketing Expert & Former Director of LEGO
Andrew Marr
Acclaimed Political Broadcaster and Journalist
David McWilliams
10th Most Influential Economist in the World
David Miliband
Former Foreign Secretary, President & CEO of the IRC
Tom Oliver
Professor of Innovation & Change Management and Philanthropist
Olivier Oullier Ph.D.
Neurotech Entrepreneur, Investor & Brain Scientist
Orhan Pamuk
Winner of the 2006 Nobel Prize for Literature
Bertrand Piccard
Round the World Balloonist & Head of the Solar Impulse Project
John Plender
Award-winning Financial Times Columnist & Feature Writer
Miha Pogacnik
Leadership Expert, Violinist & Visionary
Rt Hon Michael Portillo
Journalist, Broadcaster and Former Conservative Politician
Romano Prodi
Former Prime Minister of Italy
Anders Fogh Rasmussen
Former Danish Prime Minister & Former NATO Secretary General
Viviane Reding
Member of the European Parliament