Future and Technology
Calum Chace
The 'AI Guy'
Marita Cheng
Founder of Aubot and Robogals
Liam Chivers
Pioneer of YouTube and Online Influencer Management
Shelby Clark
Sharing Economy Pioneer, Founder @Turo
Dan Cobley
Former MD, Google UK and Ireland
Patrick Collison
Founder & CEO of Stripe
Dave Coplin
Founder & CEO, The Envisioners Author and Alchemist
Jeremy Dalton
Head of Metaverse Technologies PwC
Kate Darling
Research Scientist at the MIT Media Lab
Vito Di Bari
European Futurist & Renowned Authority on Innovation
Peter Diamandis
Leader in Achieving Innovation
Aric Dromi
Futurologist, Strategist and Professional Disruptor
Charles Duke Jnr
One of the First Astronauts on the Moon
Andreas Ekström
Futurist and Commentator on the Digital Revolution
Keren Elazari
Cybersecurity Expert