Round Tables
Nancy Giordano
Founder of Play Big Inc. & Leading Strategic Futurist
Haben Girma
Human Rights Lawyer & 1st Deafblind Graduate of Harvard
Martin Glenn
CEO of the Football Association
Seth Godin
Author, Entrepreneur, High Profile Blogger & Agent of Change
Ian Goldin
Professor of Globalisation and Development, Oxford University
Tabitha Goldstaub MBE
Co-Founder, CogX & Former Chair of the UK Government's AI Council
Dr. Jane Goodall DBE
Founder of the Jane Goodall Institute and UN Messenger of Peace
Vijay Govindarajan
International Authority on Innovation & Strategy
Jake and Hannah Graf
LGBTQ Couple
Pippa Grange
Renowned Sports Psychologist
Lynda Gratton
Influential Strategic Thinker
Kevin Green
Former HR Director at Royal Mail
Will Greenwood MBE
Rugby World Cup Winner
Paralympics Gold Medallist
Viv Groskop
Journalist & Broadcaster